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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Radio Press Release - Election Survey Results

Sustainable Brant
 Election Survey Results
Sustainable Brant members are pleased to report a high return on their election survey.Candidates answered 17 questions based on two themes: 

1)     Protecting the ecology of our county:   air and water quality, prime farmland and heritage buildings; promoting local food , waste diversion and sustainable transportation, and

2)     Fostering democracy:  banning corporate and union donations, enabling delegations to council, fostering more transparency at council and keeping sewer and water infrastructure public.
In general candidates strongly opposed annexation of county lands by Brantford, and
amalgamation of the county and city.  There was good support for local food initiatives, preserving heritage buildings, improving waste diversion efforts and for more openness and dialogue with ratepayers. 

Some candidates showed interest in learning more about more ecological practices in other municipalities. These practices include: waste diversion, banning on the spread of sewage sludge on farmland, protecting farmland, and more sustainable ways in other communities of moving people and goods (rather than building the proposed highway 424).

A number of the candidates oppose the privatization of water and sewer infrastructure, would like to see stringent monitoring by the county of air emissions from the new brick factory at the airport, and do not find the Green Hub process to be clear, open or democratic.
None of the candidates who replied declared that they accepted donations from corporations or unions

Very few candidates addressed the possible shipment of Brant’s garbage to Six Nations to be incinerated or local food procurement.

To get a good grasp of candidates’ opinions, check out:

Sustainable Brant 
(sustainablebrant@gmail.com, Tel: 519-647-0307)